New Year's Eve Community Dancing

What: Contra, Square, Waltz Dancing; Putluck supper and dessert
When: Monday, December 31, 2007
Where: Bethel Grove Community Center
1825 Slaterville Road (Rt.79)
about 4 miles east of the Ithaca Commons
How Much: $free, bring potluck to share

Balance and Swing!

Join us for a Community New Year's Eve Pot Luck Dinner, Waltz Jam, and Contra Dance.

It all starts with a massive Pot Luck Dinner at 6pm in the Bethel Grove Community Center. After feasting on the finest food we can make, we'll stagger to the other end of the hall and begin to usher in 2008 with waltzing followed by several hours of contras, squares, English country dances, and couple dances. There will be a break around 9:30pm for a second potluck, this time desserts. We'll sing at mid-night, toast each other with non-alcoholic sparkling apple cider, and continue with contras and waltzing until we send each other off with warm wishes for the New Year.

The evening's dances will be called by a cavalcade of Ithaca callers and non-stop music will be provided by lots of local musicians, including fiddlers Tim Ball, Hope Grietzer, Kathy Selby, and Jennifer Dotson, along with Curt Osgood, Gail Blake, Jim MacWilliams, and many others.

This annual tradition -- since the last century; last Millenium, even -- is a great way to swing into the New Year. We whirl each other out of one year into another. The event is entirely alcohol- and smoke-free, and very beginner friendly.

Whether you come to every weekly dance, the special events through the year, or only dance once in a blue moon, New Year's is the best time and place to smile into our friends' faces and share our best wishes for 2008.

The New Year's Eve dance is jointly presented by Tompkins County Country Dances and Hands Four Dancers of Ithaca. The dance is free, a gift from the dance organizers to you. Besides the potluck, bring an extra treat for the mid-dance festive break.

For information, contact

  • Ted and Pamela, 607.273.8678.

More info about Tompkins County Country Dances
Hands Four Dancers of Ithaca
Folkstuff home page

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Author:Ted Crane
Last Modified:Monday, December 03, 2007 15:53:19
Accessed:5318 times since 2007/12/03
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